News from the Fifth Dimension

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Turkey or Ham? or: Dealers + Alcohol = DealerPulse Groupies

Almost midnight again, but I must relay the day's activities.

We left the hotel at 6:30 AM. Yes, 6:30 AM. That means I was up, showered, dressed, and out the door before I'm normally getting out of bed. Trust me, I was not a happy camper. Karin was chipper this morning, as usual, and Ron was a grumpy guss. We got to the Hershey Lodge and went to our booth to set up. The place was empty! So, we went and grabbed whatever breakfast stuffs that was leftover from the dealers' breakfast. Oh... it was delicious (sarcastic).

After breakfast, Ron went back to the hotel to "work on his proposal" (i.e., take a nap and watch soaps). Karin and I manned the booth. Fortunately, the dead time allowed us to catch up on email and feedback submissions.

Around lunchtime, Ron came back and then Karin and I ran back to the hotel to change into casual clothes in which to roam around HersheyPark. We came back, picked up the booth and then headed out to the buses. We were presented with the question, "Turkey or ham?" as our lunch options. "Neither," I replied. I had no choice. I was forced to choose a bird or pig coupon.

We boarded the bus and were on our way! We were met at HersheyPark by a lovely boxed lunch featuring either a turkey or ham sandwich, a bag of Utz potato chips, a less-than-perfect apple, and (of course) a Hershey chocolate bar. We scared down our lunch and headed out into the park.

The park was not open to the public -- to GM only. They had five attractions open: Wild Mouse, Wildcat, Chaos, Whip, the Hershey Ferris Wheel, Music Express, and Lightning Racer. Wild Mouse was scary. It was one of those old, fair-type small coasters that seat four people in a car. It made several hairpin turns that made you feel like you were going to fly off the track. Karin loved it. After that, we went on the other rides. The coasters were pretty fun, but paled in comparison to Cedar Point... we're spoiled, I suppose. The fair-type rides (Whip and Music Express) were... well... LAME! Chaos is always fun. Karin and I were the only ones on it and managed to get our car to spin upside down 4 or 5 times (Karin: "I feel sick. That was fun!"). They had skeeball available to play for free. Karin killed Ron and I with her high score of 370! (She's short. She has unfair advantage of not having to bend over.) After we completed all of the activities, we headed back to the hotel to take a nap.

The evening agenda was as follows: pre-dinner cocktail reception in the trade show area, dinner, then a post-dinner cocktail reception in the trade show area. During the cocktail receptions, our booth was busier than it had been the entire time we've been here. We had dealers coming up to the booth checking their Daily Updates, checking their scores, and gushing how much they love DealerPulse. Truly, Dealers + Alcohol = DealerPulse Groupies. Karin, Ron, and I may or may not have partook in the free adult beverages.

After the evening events, we drove around Hershey debating whether or not to keep the evening going, but we ultimately decided to call it a night. Another early morning to come tomorrow...

And that's all there is to report tonight from the Fifth Dimension. Good night!



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